Saffron Road to ‘Take Halal to the Next Level’


CEO, Adnan Durrani, to Address IFANCA’s International Halal Food Conference


Stamford, CT – April 1, 2011 – Halal foods are significantly gaining prominence both in the food industry, as well among mainstream media and consumers. While Halal has been around for quite some time (literally over 1,400 years) and has healthfully fed billions of people, it has just lately started impacting Western cultures.


Having recently launched on the market, Saffron Road™, a new natural foods brand, will address how Halal can be taken to the next level at The Islamic Food and Nutrition Council of America (IFANCA)’s 13th Annual International Halal Food Conference, April 10-11 just outside of Chicago, Illinois.  


Adnan Durrani, Chief Executive Officer of American Halal Company, Inc (Saffron Road’s parent company), will share some of the brand’s insights on the trend of ethical consumerism and how Halal brands can leverage this, in his presentation, Taking Halal to the Next Level.


At a time when more and more consumers demand to know what’s in their food and where it comes from, we believe now is the ideal time for Halal foods to really make an impact in the mainstream marketplace. As a new brand dedicated to foods that are not only held against the highest standards of purity, but are also certified Halal, we see our products resonating with Muslim consumers, as well as those in the natural foods movement,” says Durrani.  


Recently featured on the cover of Halal Consumer Magazine, Saffron Road is demonstrating leadership by not only providing quality and delicious Halal food choices for consumers, but also serving up products that are Gluten Free, All Natural, humanely treated, anti-biotic free, and sustainably farmed.


This year’s Conference will focus on the theme, Halal: New Frontiers. Saffron Road will be joined by other leading brands and thought leaders in the Halal food marketplace such as: PepsiCo, Abbott Nutrition, and Kraft Foods.


IFANCA is one of the world’s leading Halal-certification organizations and certifies the Saffron Road brand. Headquartered in Chicago, IL, IFANCA certifies over 2,200 consumer food and beverage companies worldwide. In addition to the U.S., IFANCA also maintains offices in Canada, Europe, China, Malaysia, India, Pakistan, and Singapore.


Please visit, for more details on this conference.

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